ILPC 2025

ILPC Steering Group

Membership of the ILPC Steering Group is based on representation from institutions that have organised a conference, largely in the last 15 years, though obviously individuals do move jobs This reflects the main purpose of the group, which is to act as the collective memory of the conference, thus helping to share expertise, spread good practice and generally keep the show on the road. The latter includes making decisions on the future location and hosting of the event. No independent financial resources are held by the group. All conferences have to be self-financing. The SG also sets publishing priorities, including periodically appointing Editors for the ILPC journal Work in the Global Economy.

The Steering Group

The Steering Group for ILPC currently consists of:

  • Abigail Marks (University of Newcastle)
  • Adrienne Eaton (Rutgers University)
  • Chris Smith (University of London - Royal Holloway)
  • Devi Sacchetto (University of Padua)
  • Irena Grugulis (University of Leeds)
  • Jörg Flecker (University of Vienna)
  • Kendra Briken (University of Strathclyde)
  • Kirsty Newsome (University of Sheffield)
  • Matt Vidal (University of Loughborough)
  • Maurizio Atzeni (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago)
  • Paul Thompson (Convener (University of Stirling))
  • Safak Tartanoglu Bennett (University of Sheffield)
  • Sarah Nies (University of Göttingen)
  • Sian Moore (Anglia Ruskin University)