ILPC 2025

Labour Process Book Series

There have been a number of volumes of papers produced from or inspired by the conference. It has never been the practice to simply collect together the best papers and publish them, but rather to organise volumes by theme.

The series has been characterised by a number of phases and arrangements with a number of publishers:

Phase 1: 1985-8, Gower

Series Title: Studies in the Labour Process
General Editors: David Knights and Hugh Willmott

D. Knights, H. Willmott and D. Collinson, (eds, 1985) Job Redesign: Critical Perspectives on the Labour Process.
D. Knights and H. Willmott, (eds, 1986) Gender and the Labour Process.
D. Knights and H. Willmott, (eds, 1986) Managing the Labour Process.

Phase 2: 1988-91, Macmillan

Series Title: Studies in the Labour Process
General Editors: David Knights and Hugh Willmott

D. Knights and H. Willmott, (eds,1988) New Technology and the Labour Process.
D. Knights and H. Willmott, (eds, 1989) Labour Process Theory.
C. Smith, D. Knights and H. Willmott, (eds, 1991) White Collar Work: The Non-Manual Labour Process.

Phase 3: 1992- 7, Routledge

Series Title: Critical Perspectives on Work and Organization
General Editors: David Knights, Chris Smith, Paul Thompson and Hugh Willmott

C Smith and P. Thompson, (eds, 1992) Labour in Transition.
A. Sturdy, D. Knights, H. Willmott, (eds, 1992) Skill and Consent.
J. Jermier., W. Nord and D. Knights, (eds, 1994) Resistance and Power in the Workplace.
T. Elger and C. Smith, (eds. 1994) Global Japanisation.
A. Wilkinson and H. Willmott, (eds, 1994) Making Quality Critical.
P. Ackers, C. Smith and P. Smith, (eds, 1996) The New Workplace and Trade Unionism.

Phase 4: 1998-2005, Macmillan/Palgrave

Series Title: Critical Perspectives on Work and Organization
General Editors: David Knights, Chris Smith, Paul Thompson and Hugh Willmott

P. Thompson and C. Warhurst, (eds,1998) Workplaces of the Future, London, Macmillan.
A. Felstead and N. Jewson, (eds, 1999) Global Trends in Flexible Labour.
C. Prichard, R. Hull, M. Chumer and H. Willmott, (eds, 2000) Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning, London, Macmillan.
A. Sturdy, I. Grugulis and H. Willmott, (eds. 2001) Customer Service: Empowerment and Entrapment, London, Palgrave.
C. Warhurst, E. Keep, and I. Grugulis, (eds, 2004) The Skills That Matter, London, Palgrave.
B. Harley, J. Hyman and P. Thompson and, (eds, 2005) Participation and Democracy at Work: Essays in Honour of Harvie Ramsay, London, Palgrave.

Phase 5: 2006-current, Palgrave

Series Title: Critical perspectives on Work and Employment
General Editors: Irena Grugulis, Chris Smith, Chris Warhurst

Under the current relationship with Palgrave, the goal is to publish a minimum of one themed volume a year, to be drawn predominantly from papers or authors connected to the conference, and to be launched at and with the resource support of the conference. Additional volumes may be published with a less direct relationship to the conference.

Alan McKinlay and Chris Smith, (eds, 2008) Creative Labour: Working in Creative Industries.
Sharon C. Bolton and Maeve Houlihan, (eds, 2009) Work Matters: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Work.
Paul Thompson and Chris Smith, (eds, 2010) Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis.
Irena Grugulis and Odul Bozkurt, (eds, 2011) Retail Work.
Chris Warhurst , Françoise Carré , Patricia Findlay and Chris Tilly, (eds, 2012) Are Bad Jobs Inevitable? Trends, Determinants and Responses to Job Quality in the Twenty-First Century.
Carol Wolkowitz , Rachel Lara Cohen , Teela Sanders and Kate Hardy, (eds, 2013) Body/Sex/Work: Intimate, embodied and sexualised labour.
Marco Hauptmeier and Matt Vidal, (eds 2014) Comparative Political Economy of Work.
Kirsty Newsome, Phil Taylor, Jennifer Bair and Al Rainnie, (eds, 2015) Putting Labour in its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains.
Mingwei Liu and Chris Smith, (eds, 2016) China at Work: A Labour Process Perspective on the Transformation of Work and Employment in China.